Friday, August 11, 2017

Post 1: W.T.F. am I starting Yet Another Project For?

   It must be a sickness. I somehow never seem to be satisfied doing just a couple of things at a time, much less just one. I used to be a Decorator for years, then a Painter for years, and a Sculptor. But as I get older, I keep running into new concepts and ideas that get me excited, and I want to play with them. That's what happened with Architectural Projections: I saw what people were doing with it in Europe, and I just had to figure it out and do it here. But the time and energy involved have become too much for the amount of satisfaction derived from these endeavours. There always seems to be some last minute technical problem or F... up that leaves me frustrated with the results...
   I have no plans to stop the Encaustic Project, but I just ran across some stuff people had been doing with Augmented Reality that made me feel like playing with it. It could actually be used to make a new kind of Gallery Experience when I get around to having a show...
   I can also see of course a way to use the technique to create "Virtual Architectural Mapping", and possibly make my previous PTTR and "Light Dreams" Shows available on the iPhone or the iPad to bystanders.
   There is one Group in paricular that has been doing interesting projects all over the World:  HEAVY PROJECTS. They have basically been bringing murals alive on both iOS and Android devices. I was particularly impressed by their Digital Neuron Mural in Miami

 their Driskill Hotel Takeover in Dallas

and their Winwood Walls Project

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Post 2: More Augmented Reality Examples

     Researching the subject some more, I came across a few other interesting examples of uses for the same basic concept, on a smaller s...